Wednesday, September 2, 2015



Hi guys, what we are going for this entry? I decided to have a look what is the interesting part of Cherathing that people need to know.
welcome to Cherathing

Cherating is located about 47 km north of Kuantan and it famed as the location of Asia’s first Club Mediterranean. this is the map that can be used to get there.

 Here is the things that we are going to explore such as:
·         batik shop at Cherating
·         cultural complex at Cherating
·         art shop at Cherating beach
·         Handicraft Demos
Nearby, Cherating Village offers an opportunity to watch handicraft demonstrations by skilled locals. This charming village also offers modest but quite comfortable accommodations for tourists, especially for backpackers. There are also a nearby Cultural Complex that you can try to do a Wau or Kite, playing gasing, painting batik and so on. That is the places whereby you can learn cultural well than the other places.

Cherating is an easy places for the visitors to find chalets and kampung houses and rooms for rent and stay. If you are not interested to the village houses, you can also enjoy with international class hotels and resorts for you to stay. Come and have a visit to Cherathing.

Hope that you've enjoyed as much as I do.

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