Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Kuantan River / Benteng Sungai Kuantan

Today is Friday shout out and guess what? A weekend is coming .Hurmmm, ok chill Anis chill, I need to start think a place that need to be treasure for this weekend. As a student in Kuantan, no need to waste time and money to go far. People said that “Enjoy the present once and never regret the past”, so what about if we start to treasure Kuantan for this weekend. We are going for a budget vacation in Kuantan yeayyyy. The first places that I choose is tadaaa…. Kuantan River.
Why Kuantan River? And above is my answer to convince you guys to visit this place.
It is because nowadays, this place is an attraction that youngsters like to be spend their weekend on.
Kuantan River is one of main attraction that being focusing by Pahang State of government to be commercialize. Kuantan River is a river that’s run from Sungai Lembing through Kuantan City before it flowing out to South China Sea. There is also Kuantan River Cruise that being provided by state of Pahang to let the tourist enjoy a beautiful scenery and colourful of Kuantan town along the river.
If you want to know whether you are arrived there or not you can check it by looking for this signboard.
The landmark of sungai Kuantan


This place is one of the place that being a faced to represent the beautifulness of Kuantan. We can also called it as a landmark of Kuantan City. If you want to enjoy the real scenery of Kuantan River you need to come here at night.

The scenery of jetty at night
A government building 

Kuantan landmark
No worries of your security because it is a safe place in Kuantan. Youngsters nowadays like to hang out there from the night until morning. Here is the pictures at night.
the beautiful scenery along the river

Kuantan at night
goodbye and have a visited here guys.

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