Friday, August 21, 2015

Panorama Hills in the HOUSE .

I just woke up this morning and feeling like want to escape from this stressful life and enjoy a peaceful nature after read one quotes in WeChat which is a Wiseman once said “The silence of nature is very real, its surround you and you can feel it”. Iqmal asked me and Daus going for hiking Bukit Tabor for this weekend and yes we do agree it yesterday. We plan it nicely but something came up this morning when his car is not in a good condition and need for a service so unfortunately we need to cancel our plan. But I really want to enjoy a peaceful of nature and breathe a fresh air. After thinking it twice, I asked Iqmal to still hiking but just in Kuantan and I choose Bukit Panorama instead of another because Bukit Panorama is more likely to Bukit Tabor. As we don’t have a “Rezki” to enjoy Bukit Tabor so tomorrow we just enjoy Bukit Panorama.

A sign board of Bukit Panorama at the first point
Tadaaa… here we go for hiking Bukit Panorama. Good luck Anis dan Iqmal....

It just take 40 minutes from Kuantan City by car with the speed 80 -100 km/h. Bukit panorama is a popular places to watch the sunrise. People spread a words in media social that Bukit Panorama has a beautiful scenery of a sunrise so I will check on it and give the evidence to proof the world that Bukit Panorama has its own beautiful. So we woke up as earlier as we can which is 4 am to get there and start hiking before Subuh.
The scenery of Bukit Panorama when we are at the middle of hiking
After a few minutes we are struggling to hike the stairs there here we arrived at the top. Happy but tired. My body feel like i can't contain it anymore. But at least I satisfied with myself because i have take a challenge to go there and know the limitationof myself/
A beautiful scenery that make me amazed at the first we arrived

Take a breath after arrived at the top. Feeling like want to fainted
Happy face of Iqmal when he success arrived at the Top of Bukit Panorama.

Tadaaa.... proud of myself successfully arrived at the top without fainted

A beautiful scenery of Sungai Lembing Town from the Top of Bukit Panorama. The scenery is more likey to Kota Kinabalu

A video of Sunrise that Iqmal shoot it himself 

A beautiful of Sunrise

This is the track that we hike 
Finally, we are going back home. Come and have a visit.

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